CSAT interview on Local structures inclusion on projects – Chichewa
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CSAT Malawi held an Engagement meeting with Journalists
CSAT Malawi held a 2 day workshop to grill journalists of accountability and advocacy issues, the workshop, main purpose was to sensitize the Malawi media on the Access to Information Act. The workshop facilitators were equipping them on how to report since they can now have access to information from the Malawi Government. Some of the Journalist interacting during […]
Consultative Meetings with Public Finance Management Stakeholders
CSAT participated in the consultative meetings with Public Finance Management Stakeholders in Mponela. The meeting was organized by Ministry and one of the main Agenda was to address issues of enhancement of Capacity in public finance Management. The workshop saw several stakeholders and CSOs together to engage on key issues arising due to poor management of funds by other Departments […]
Orientation training to Journalists on ATI and Public Finance Management
CSAT Malawi organized a two day workshop and Malawi Sun to grill journalists on Access to Information and Public Finance Management In the picture Journalists during tea break
CSAT demands urgent land audit
CSAT has written Parliament demanding a comprehensive land Audit following media reports that some of Government officials are involved in dubious public land sales with business persons. Signed the Letter – Kambwandira
K6.2bn Covid-19 report awaits AG scrutiny
Centre for Social Accountability Transparency executive director Willy Kambwandira, in an interview this week observed that government has not been transparent on the report and on the future of several arrests already made. He said: “We understand that only four out of 62 people that were arrested are facing prosecution. We are not told whether the rest have been dropped […]
Malawi scores highly in water, poorly in hygiene
Malawi is above its neighbours when it comes to citizen’s accessibility to water, but scores poorly in hygiene and sanitation, a new report has shown. An economist has since blamed the poor ranking on hygiene and sanitation on misuse of resources allocated to these sectors. In a report which the Centre for Social Accountability and Transparency (Csat) in collaboration with […]
Maize prices soar in past 2 months
As the number of people projected to face hunger in the coming months increased to 1.6 million from 1.4 million, a monthly maize market report has also shown a sharp price increase in the staple food. According to the report, in December 2021, maize retail prices averaged K152 per kg which was four percent higher than the previous month but […]